Excellent customer feedback - What do our customers think of us?

Blogi Erinomaiset asiakaspalautteet – Mitä asiakkaamme ovat meistä mieltä? 8.10.2024 Lue lisää Jaa tämä julkaisu Alku syksystä toteutimme asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyn, jonka tavoitteena oli saada arvokasta palautetta ja tietoa siitä, miten hyvin olemme onnistuneet eri osa-alueilla. Kyselyn avulla haluttiin ymmärtää paremmin, missä asioissa ollaan onnistuttu ja missä voisimme vielä ylittää asiakkaidemme odotukset. Kyselyssä asiakkaamme arvioivat seuraavia osa-alueita: …

Our expanded range of services supports your business even more efficiently

Blog Our expanded range of services supports your business even more effectively 13 May 2024 Read the blog Share this publication Our expanded range of services supports your business even more effectively After Conversatum joined Graniitti Group, our range of services has become more diversified. With the merger, dozens of experienced experts are at your disposal for the best of your organization! Alongside project management and testing, we offer productized services to support the development and renewal of your business. Our services are suitable for everyone and our customers are both private...

Graniitti and Conversatum join forces!

Blogi Graniitti and Conversatum join forces! 26.1.2024 Read the announcement Share this publication Graniitti Group Oy and Conversatum Oy will merge on 1.3.2024! Together, we form a company of almost 40 experts, which is able to offer even more comprehensive services and meet our customers' needs more efficiently. Through the merger, Graniitti strengthens and expands its services. In the future, you can get current services such as project management and other IT-oriented work from us...

New service: flexible team solutions

Blog As a new service: flexible team solutions 11.1.2024 Read the blog Share this publication New service Flexible teams, from one operator As a new service, we offer a customizable team of experts to supplement our strong project management know-how. Our extensive network in the EU region offers experts in a variety of fields of expertise, such as software development. We are fully responsible for the entire delivery, from assembling the teams to their effective guidance and operation. Each team is carefully constructed and team members…

Graniitti Service's success comes from competent people - our service offering is expanding

Graniitti Services Oy continued its growth career in 2022. The company's turnover increased from the previous fiscal year by 20 percent to approximately 3.8 million euros. - Our success is solely due to the people and it will continue to be so. With the help of Graniitti's excellent team and based on the strong previous fiscal years, we will next expand our services towards providing comprehensive IT services, says Kalle Venäläinen, CEO of Graniitti Services Oy. In 2023, we will invest in services...

Graniitti expansion

About nine months ago, Natalia Åkerlund contacted her former colleague Kalle Venäläinen. Kalle and Natalia had met a decade earlier while doing international consulting at IBM. Life took its course and the paths diverged. Natalia continued her own international path and at the same time Kalle and her partners founded Graniitti Services Oy in Helsinki in 2017. Natalia wanted to return to consulting after many years and Kalle...

Graniitti Services drew growth from good people - customer demand remained strong

Graniitti Services drew growth from good people - customer demand continued to be strong Graniitti Services Oy continued its strong growth career in 2021. The company's net sales increased from the previous fiscal year by 53 percent to 3.2 million euros. Graniitti Services Oy's growth was driven mainly by the right recruitments and continued strong customer demand. - We have hired good people and everyone has found their place. We got to continue...

New board members

Graniitti's board gets stronger Our board gets stronger with two new members Satu Koskinen and Jani Koskinen have been appointed to the board of Graniitti Services Oy. They bring more substantive expertise, experience, and new objective perspectives to the development of the company to Granit. We warmly welcome them to join us in supporting Graniiti's operations. With his experience, Satu Koskinen (IT-INS) brings strong expertise in business development to board work. During his career, he has worked in several...

New skilled experts for Graniitti

More excellence in Graniiti's team Over the past year, Graniiti's spirit of doing things has continued with interesting assignments, and before the financial year changes, we have added more rock-hard professionals to our team. We are happy to welcome the new Graniittilaisen, Tom, Maarit and Eeva, who have already all started working on customer projects. Tomi Joined Graniiti earlier in the last half of the year. Tomi, who has traveled all over the world for work, is goal-oriented...